I See Fire - Ed Sheeran




【个人翻译】I see fire 瞳中之火

Vocal:Ed Sheeran

Oh,misty eye of the mountain below 山下前路朦胧依稀未可知

Keep careful watch of my brothers'souls 专心于守护吾等的魂灵

And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke 火光漫天 浓烟四溢 

Keep watching over Durin's sons 坚定守护着都灵的子孙

If this is to end in fire 若注定葬身于火海之中

Then we should all burn together 那么吾等必将身披烈焰

Watch the flames climb high into the night 眼看赤炎直升夜空

Calling our father 呼唤吾等的父辈

Hold stand by and we will 吾等定坚守此处

Watch the flames burn auburn on 无畏直视那赤褐的火焰

The mountain side 蔓延至山头

And if we should die tonight 若注定消亡于此夜中

We should all die together 那么吾等必将一同赴义

Raise a glass of wine for the last time 请最后一次斟满我的杯

Calling out father 呼唤吾等的祖先

Prepare as we will 如吾所愿

Watch the flames burn auburn on 无畏直视那赤褐的火焰

The mountain side 蔓延至山头

Desolation comes upon the sky 荒芜苍凉瞬间遮天蔽日

Now I see fire 熊熊火焰 刺痛双眼

Inside the mountains 燃烧不止 山脉之中

I see fire  熊熊火焰 身陷其中

Burning the trees 燃烧不息 苍绿成灰

And I see fire 瞳中之火 未曾停息

Hollowing souls 燃烧直至 灵魂殆尽

I see fire 瞳中之火 未曾停息

Blood in the breeze 血流成河 满目苍夷

And I hope that you remember me 愿你将吾等铭刻于心上

Oh,should my people fall in 若我的子民不畏前方艰险

Surely I'll do the same 那么吾亦视死如归

Come finding mountain holes 前往那高山之上的遗迹

We got too close to the flame 烈焰当前 不过咫尺

Calling out father 呼唤吾等的父辈

Hold fast and we will 坚守此处 意志不移

Watch the flames burn auburn on 无畏直视那赤褐的火焰

The mountain side 蔓延至山头

Desolation comes upon the sky 破败荒凉继而降临大地

Now I see fire 熊熊火焰 刺痛双眼

Inside the mountains 燃烧不止 山脉之中

I see fire  熊熊火焰 身陷其中

Burning the trees 燃烧不息 苍绿成灰

And I see fire 瞳中之火 未曾停息

Hollowing souls 燃烧直至 灵魂殆尽

I see fire 瞳中之火 未曾停息

Blood in the breeze 血流成河 满目苍夷

And I hope that you remember me 愿你将吾等铭刻于心上

And if the night is burning 熊熊烈焰 弥漫夜空

I will cover my eyes 吾将无憾而闭目

For if the dark returns then 若黑暗将覆盖此地

My brothers will die 兄弟们也将魂归乐土

And as the sky's falling down 当浩瀚天地塌方

It crashed into this lonely town 掩埋这孤寂的小镇

And with that shadow upon the ground 阴影随之笼罩一切

I hear my people screaming out 人们悲怆之声四起

Now I see fire 熊熊火焰 刺痛双眼

Inside the mountains 燃烧不止 山脉之中

I see fire  熊熊火焰 身陷其中

Burning the trees 燃烧不息 苍绿成灰

I see fire 瞳中之火 未曾停息

Hollowing souls 燃烧直至 灵魂殆尽

I see fire 瞳中之火 未曾停息

Blood in the breeze 血流成河 满目苍夷

I see fire 火焰在我的眼中燃烧

Oh, you know I saw a city burning out (fire) 目睹家园的覆灭

And I see fire 火焰在我的眼中燃烧

Feel the heat upon my skin (fire) 感受那炽热的痛楚

And I see fire 火焰在我的眼中燃烧

Uhhhhhhhhh (fire) 啊

And I see fire 火焰在我的眼中燃烧

Burn auburn on the mountain side 也在那山脉之上肆虐


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