A Maid in Bedlam - Méav


【个人翻译A Maid in Bedlam 为爱疯狂

Vocal: Méav

Abroad as I was walking one evening in the spring 我漫步在异国的春夜

I heard a maid in Bedlam who mournfully didsing 忽闻喧嚣中传来少女凄凄的歌声

Her chains she rattled on her hands, and thus repliedshe 环佩叮当 泠泠作响

"I love my love because I know my love loves me她说:“吾与吾爱,情相连,心相系!


Oh cruel were his parents who sent my love to sea 噢他无情的父母竟让他渡远洋!

And cruel was the sailing ship that bore my love fromme 噢还有那无情的大帆船载走了吾爱!

Yet I love his parents since their his, althoughthey've ruined me 即便如此 我仍不怨恨他们,

I love my love because I know my love loves me 只因吾与吾爱,情相连,心相系。


With straw I'll weave a garland, I'll weave itwondrous fine 我将用稻草编制一个美妙的花环,

With roses, lilies, daisies I'll mix the eglantine 还有玫瑰、百合、雏菊,哦当然少不了野蔷薇!

And I'll present it to my love when he returns fromsea 等他归来我会亲自为他戴上。

I love my love because I know my love loves me"只因吾与吾爱,情相连,心相系!”


Just as she sat there weeping, her love, he came onland 当她独坐啜泣,他归岸了

Then hearing she was in Bedlam he ran straight out ofhand 既闻其声直奔爱人

He flew into her snow-white arms, and thus replied he 两人相拥 含情脉脉

"I love my love because I know my love lovesme"“噢我与你,情相连,心相系!


She said, "My love, don't frighten me, are you mylove or no?"她说:“吾爱,我是否在做梦,你真的爱我如初?”

"Oh yes, my dearest Nancy, I am your love also“噢!当然了我最亲爱的南希,我一直如此爱你!

I am returned to make amends for all your injury 我回归于此就是为了抚平你的伤痛

I love my love because I know my love loves me只因我与你一直情相连,心相系,

I love my love because I know my love loves me"只因我们一直情相连,心相系。”

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