Hollow of You - Mediavolo


【个人翻译】Hollow of You 你的空洞【度娘给我提供的神翻译是“空心人”,但我觉得这个不太能将歌词意思表达出来。】


I sit for hours 独坐数小时

Watch lives of strangers. 细看人来人往

People look anxious 人们如此焦虑

Worn out and restless 疲惫不安 焦躁不堪

Leaves fall and moulder. 叶落而后腐烂

Moss on the boulders 石上苔藓 依旧软滑

I say good morning 问声早安

No one ever answers 无人应答

Since you’ve gone 从你离去

Life’s in slow motion 生活蹒跚

Cut off from time and sensation 何时何地已无知觉

In the hollow of you 你遗留下来的空虚中

It is fall. 是萧瑟秋日

Colours mingle. 颜色混融

Rain and wind 雨啊风啊

Entangle 一片混杂

Pictures half torn. 半毁的画像

Shop signs half fallen 斜倾的商铺招牌

I kept your picture 我保留着你的照片

Sour reminder 令人忆起过往的酸涩

Since you’ve gone从你离去

Life’s in slow motion生活蹒跚

A hollow 仅余空洞

No expectations 无可期待

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