Suicide Is Painless - Lady & Bird


【个人翻译】Suicide Is Painless 无痛解脱

Vocal:Lady And Bird

Through early morning fog I see 透过清晨的薄雾我可以看到

Visions of the things to be 那些事物的幻觉

The pains that are withheld for me 我压抑住伤痛

I realize and I can see 我深切地了解

That suicide is painless 来个无痛的解脱

It brings on many changes 它会带来巨变

And I can take or leave it if I please 一切由我随心所欲


The game of life is hard to play 人生游戏难以操控

I’m gonna lose it anyway 我全盘皆输

The losing card I’ll someday lay 我终有一天会释怀

So this is all I have to say 我只想说这么多

Suicide is painless来个无痛的解脱

It brings on many changes 它会带来巨变

And I can take or leave it if I please一切由我随心所欲


The sword of time will pierce our skins 时间利刃刺穿我们的皮肤

It doesn’t hurt when it begins 刚开始还未觉得痛

But as it works its way on in 但随着时间推移

The pain grow stronger watch it grin 痛楚会与日俱增

Suicide is painless来个无痛的解脱

It brings on many changes 它会带来巨变

And I can take or leave it if I please一切由我随心所欲


A brave man once requested me 一个勇者曾来问我

To answer questions that are key 他想知道

“Is it to beor not to be?”“生或死?”①

And I replied “Oh why ask me?”“又何必问我呢。”我回答

Suicide is painless来个无痛的解脱

It brings on many changes 它会带来巨变

And I can take or leave it if I please一切由我随心所欲

And you can do the same things if you please 如果愿意你也可以



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