Colder - Charon


【个人翻译】Colder 冷酷之上


Come along with thewhispering cold and fall 跟随着冰冷低吟一起下坠

They left you nothing more to seek fromhere 在这里根本无物可寻

So roll the feast in flames unforgettable 不如在火焰里燃起一场难忘的盛宴

Take a bow to the end, reload your remorse 落幕时谢礼  重载你的同情与懊悔

Every line① is a thorn bite throughyour eyes 每句台词都如荆棘般刺穿你的双目


Still remains 无不残留着

The everlasting hope for a bitter war. 对这场苦涩战争的永恒希望


If it has made you colder 如果这使你愈加冷酷

Turning your life for justice 便去寻求正义

They have learned to obey 他们早已懂得服从


Among the weak and heartless 在这虚弱得无法喘息的缝隙中

I can breath the air veiled just like them 我像他们一样苟且偷生


Still remains 无不残留着

The everlasting hope for a bitter war. 对这场苦涩战争的永恒希望


If it has made you colder 如果这使你愈加冷酷

Turning your life for justice 便去寻求正义

They have learned to obey 他们早已懂得服从


Broken the rules I followed, 打破已有定则

Burning for name so hollow 燃尽徒有的虚名

I will learn to obey.我会懂得服从


If it has made you colder 如果这使你愈加冷酷

They have learned to obey 他们早已懂得服从

Broken the rules I followed 打破已有定则

I will learn to obey. 我会懂得服从



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