Old Money - Lana Del Rey

听到那句"But if you send for me you know I'll come,and if you call forme you know I'll run."马上被感动到。



【个人翻译】Old Money

Vocal:LanaDel Rey

Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, 蓝如绣球,过季旧钞,仍如天赐

Cashmere, cologne and whitesunshine. 丝滑羊绒,香水古龙,璀璨日光

Redracing cars, sunset in vine, 车流不息,日落藤树

The kids were young and pretty. 孩童曾那么天真无邪


Where have you been? 你到过哪里?

Where did you go? 又去了何处?

Those summer nights seem long ago,漫漫夏夜,一去不返

So is the girl you used to call,某佳人芳名,你念念不忘

The Queen of New York City.灯红酒绿,纽约女王


But if you send for me you know I'll come, 若鸿雁传书,我必将至

And if you call for me you know I'll run. 若千里传音,我定直奔

I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run,run, run. 我定直奔到你的身边

I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'llcome, come, come. 我定降临至你的身边


The power of youth is on my mind, 青春宝贵,年华易逝,我已深知

Sunsets, small town, I'm out of time. 小镇日落,闲暇时光,不可追回

Will you still love me when I shine, 当我再次风光无限,汝心是否依旧

From words but not from beauty? 言出必行,无关容颜


My father's love was always strong, 吾父之爱,亘古不变

My mother's glamor lives on and on, 吾母之美,如斯长存

Yet still inside I felt alone, 人群之中,我仍茕茕独立

For reasons unknown to me. 寻根问底,无可获知


But if you send for me you know I'll come, 若鸿雁传书,我必将至

And if you call for me you know I'll run. 若千里传音,我定直奔

I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run,run, run. 我定直奔到你的身边

I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'llcome, come, come. 我定降临至你的身边


And if you call I'll run, run, run,你呼唤我吧,我定奔向你身边

If you change your mind I'll come, come,come.你回心转意吧,我定回到你身边


Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, 蓝如绣球,过季旧钞,仍如天赐

Cashmere, cologne and white sunshine. 丝滑羊绒,香水古龙,璀璨日光

Red racing cars, sunset in vine, 车流不息,日落藤树

And we were young and pretty. 我们也曾天真无邪

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