Daily Growing - Altan


【个人翻译】Daily Growing


The trees they grow high, the leaves theydo grow green,林木高大,郁郁葱葱

Many is the time my true love I've seen,我无数次地深情凝视着我的爱

Many an hour I have watched him all alone,我无数次地默默看着他

He's young but hes daily growing他如此年轻,却日渐长大


Father, dear father, you've done me greatwrong,我亲爱的父亲,您误了我的终生

You have married me to a boy who is tooyoung,您把我嫁给一个太过年幼的男孩

I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen,我比他足足年长十年

He's young but he's daily growing他如此年轻,却日渐长大


Daughter, dear daughter, I've done you nowrong,我亲爱的女儿,我为你铺好了路

I have married you to a great lords son,我把你嫁给一个富家子弟

He will be a man for you when I am dead andgone,当我离去时,他会成为你的依靠

He's young but hes daily growing他如此年轻,却日渐长大


Father, dear father, if you see fit,我亲爱的父亲,如果你觉得合适

We'll send him to college for another yearyet,我们明年送他去上大学吧

I'll tie a blue ribbon all around his head,我会为他系上一条蓝色的缎带

To let the maidens know that he is married.让纯真的少女们知道他已为人夫


One day I was looking over my father'scastle wall,某天我从父亲的城堡往外看去

I spied all the boys playing with a ball,我看到了男孩们在嬉戏

And my own true love was the flower of themall,我的他比谁都要迷人

He's young but he's daily growing 他如此年轻,却日渐长大


And so early in the morning at the dawningof the day,黑夜破晓,迎来黎明

They went into a hayfield to have somesport and play,男孩们在干草地里奔跑戏耍

And what they did there she never woulddeclare,她对此从不发一语

But she never more complained of hisgrowing.她在默默等着他长大


At the age of fourteen he was a marriedman,他年方十四,与我成婚

At the age of fifteen the father of my son,年方十五,我们诞下一子

At the age of sixteen his grave it was green,年方十六,坟头已绿

And death had put an end to his growing. 死亡让他无法再成长


I'll buy my love some flannel, I'll make mylove a shroud,我买来了法绒,为我的爱缝一件寿衣

With every stitch I put in it, the tearsthey will pour down,每缝一针,泪如雨下

With every stitch I put in it, how thetears they will flow,每穿一线,泪如泉涌

Cruel fate has put an end to his growing.这残酷的命运让他再也不能长大


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