Khan - 萨满

【个人翻译】Khan 可汗


The wind is roaring by my side 狂风呼啸乱我耳

The sand and smoke has blocked my eyes 沙尘滚滚遮我眼

On the paper of the field 以我国土为纸

Composing epic works of mine 写下辉煌史诗


My sight is full of powder and flames 战火硝烟乱我眼

My battle flag is torn and stained 战旗破损沾污血

With the legion of my troops like squalls 我的大军 蓄势待发

Arrows like the rain 箭雨倾城而下


Bend your bow 拉满弓

Whet your sword 扬利剑

It's time for full attack  时候已到 发起总攻

Forward and forward 未曾停止 不断前进

No place for one step back 退却之人无地立足


Bend your bow 拉满弓

Whet your sword 扬利剑

It's time for full attack  时候已到 发起总攻

It's not my dynasty but 我的时代也许命不久矣

I'll resist my fate to the last 但我必将抗争到底


I tried to live a peaceful life 曾想平静度日

But I was born to walk this way 不料命不由我

It's just my instinct 抑或本能使然

Because I'm raised by the edge of blades 因我长于刀光剑影之下


All my glory and my dreams 梦想荣光

Will pass like leaves in flowing streams 终将消散如落叶流水

Walls could tumble,steeds could fall 届时将高城倒塌,战马跌翻

What kind of story they will tell? 后人又会如何传颂?


Bend your bow 拉满弓

Whet your sword 扬利剑

It's time for full attack  时候已到 发起总攻

Forward and forward 未曾停止 不断前进

No place for one step back 退却之人 无地立足


Bend your bow 拉满弓

Whet your sword 扬利剑

It's time for full attack  时候已到 发起总攻

It's not my dynasty but 我的时代也许命不久矣

I'll resist my fate to the last 但我必将抗争到底


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