My Exodus - 萨满

【个人翻译】My Exodus(官方译名为我的出埃及记,我看了歌词觉得是埃及逃亡记)


I saw the visions 迷离幻象在眼前

I heard the prophet calling 先知呼唤在耳边

There's one prediction 某人预言

The House of Pharaoh's falling 法老的宫殿摇摇欲坠

By the burning bushes 大火正熊熊燃烧

My people knelt to pray 我的子民屈膝祈祷

For hail and thunder 只为驱赶冰霜雷电

Now I know the history's gonna be replayed 如今我知历史即将重演


Let go of my people 放过我的子民吧

I'll take them with me now 我会带上他们(一起出逃)


March to the border 行至边境

March to the sea 跨越海域

Wander through the desert where my promise landcould be 滚滚黄沙,漫漫旅途,应许之地,又在何方

March to the border 行至边境

March to the sea 跨越海域

Beyond the horizon there's a realm of the free 自由王国,远在天边


People born to suffer 人们生而受苦

Under thrones and crowns 被压迫在权力与皇室之下

Bullets never pass you over 荷枪实弹,如何躲过

The tanks will crush you down 坦克炮火,尸遍满地

Nothing left in memory 回忆空空,往事渺茫

No way to ease the pain 苦难疼痛,无可避免

With righteous people suicide 义人赴死

Politicians gone insane 政客癫狂

Let go of my people 放过我的子民吧

I'll take them with me now 我会带上他们(一起出逃)


March to the border 行至边境

March to the sea 跨越海域

Wander through the desert where my promiseland could be 滚滚黄沙,漫漫旅途,应许之地,又在何方

March to the border 行至边境

March to the sea 跨越海域

Beyond the horizon there's a realm of thefree 自由王国,远在天边

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